Synchronicities: Life’s Daily Little Miracles
Don’t we all have episodes in our lives when everything seems to be orchestrated to perfection? One meaningful event follows another meaningful event, and then many more follow in such a way that it’s hard to believe it’s happening “just by chance.”
They are placed on our life path to show us the way, give us an answer to a question we have, make us smile, encourage us, and even warn us. If we can open our eyes, our ears, our whole being to the loving guidance from our Spirit Guides, Synchronicity will appear to us frequently and we’ll realize that we’re never alone.
Throughout my life, I have been blessed to be able to see, interpret, and use signs and synchronicities. Yet, it never ceases to amaze me. They often lead to exceptional experiences. For me, one of the most extraordinary series of synchronicities began last September and led to a beautiful friendship and collaboration.
It all started with Dr. Ken Harris’ email to me. Ken is an energy healer and the author of “Synchronicity -The Magic -The Mystery -The Meaning”. He wrote me to say that when he went on Amazon, he noticed that my book popped up right next to his. He took this as a sign that he should read mine, and he loved it! He felt the universe was telling him to reach out to me.
I checked out his webpage, and when I saw the cover of his book, it looked very familiar. I was certain I already bought it.
Before I started writing “Winks from Above,” I had purchased many books related to my topic, but I hadn’t yet started reading them. Early on, I received an invaluable piece of advice: "Don’t read anything that could influence what you want to say. Write from your heart and your life experience." As a result, I put the books away and almost forgot about them.
I was certain Ken’s book was somewhere on my bookshelves. I looked everywhere around the house. Yet, it was nowhere to be found. That was odd. I was 100% sure I had bought the book.
As I kept looking, I came across a screen shot I took in 2021 during one of the Zoom meetings with Capucia, my publisher. Why did I take this shot in the first place? On the picture, Christine Kloser is presenting one of the books her company published, and it’s “Synchronicity” by Dr. Ken Harris. This probably explains why the cover looked so familiar. I realize this is another amazing synchronicity; Ken and I have the same publisher.
I immediately ordered the book from Amazon.
2021 - Christine Kloser presenting one of the books published by Capucia, her publishing company. Why did I take this picture?
In the meantime, I emailed Ken and told him I just received an International Book Award from Readers’ Favorite. In response, he suggested we have a Zoom call on Sept 23. We did and had a delightful conversation.
At the End of September 2022, I noticed on Amazon in the section “Books you might be interested in”, another transformational book entitled, “The Reluctant Messenger Returns”. It attracted my attention particularly because the author, Candice Sanderson has, just like me, spent a lot of time at the Monroe Institute. I ordered her book right away. As it happened, I received both books a couple of days apart. To show each author I had received their book, I decided to send them a picture while holding their book and mine.
End of September 2022 - Usually, I don’t pose with the new books I buy. But this time, I “felt” I had to do it. Why?
I then placed the books standing side by side, facing out, on one of my bookcase shelves. I don’t know why I placed them together that way.
End of September 2022 - Why did I place my new books that way?
In Mid-November, I informed Ken I posted a review for his book on Amazon. I also told him my book had received a second International award. Candice Sanderson’s book “The Reluctant Messenger Returns” also received an International Award from Readers’ Favorite. I went to the Award Ceremony in Miami to receive mine, hoping to meet her there but was disappointed to discover she hadn’t come.
On November 18, I sent her a note to congratulate her and let her know I would have loved to do so in person. She responded that Hurricane Ian caused damage to her apartment building in Naples, Florida, and she couldn’t travel as she had planned.
In early January 2023, I noticed that Ken, who is from New Jersey, posted pictures on Facebook showing he was in Naples, Florida, where Candice lives. At first, I thought he was on vacation to escape the frigid climate of his hometown. But day after day, I kept seeing more Naples pictures he added on Facebook. I felt it might be a great idea to introduce him to Candice and vice versa, virtually of course.
I sent a quick note to each one of them, to ask if they would like to meet each other. They both gladly accepted.
After they met, Ken thanked me for the introduction and wrote: “Yes, we already know that we are 'Old' friends from prior incarnations. She told me she was getting 'goose bumps' during our conversation. If she approves, we will make a post on how through you and synchronicity we met. Like you, I live in the field of Synchronicity every day. I often have several synchronicities all in the same day one right after another sequentially. This is what is known as being a “High Frequency Coincider” or HFC person. You and I are HFC people. I hope to meet you in person down the road somewhere, someplace.”
January 11, 2023 - Ken and Candice, my two virtual friends’ first meeting.
On January 11, 2023, Ken and Candice texted me to let me know it was such a joyful and meaningful event for both of them. Ken added “We are very thankful for your part in this meeting. Come to Naples to visit with us.”
I looked at their books still facing me from the shelf and thought my job as a “little helper” was done. It was time to insert them among the other books. I reached to grab them when I “heard” a booming “NO!!!”
Oops! “Wrong move” I told myself, smiling. My Spirit Guides were telling me I had to leave them where they had been since last September. But why? I felt compelled to include my book with theirs so they can now bask in each other’s collective energy.
11 January, 2023 - I added my book to my friends’ books. Again, why?
Deep inside, I knew it wasn’t the end. There was more to come.
And indeed! It was just the beginning.
Ken’s suggestion to come to Naples to meet him and Candice was very tempting. I didn’t have to think very long and decided to go spend one week there in early February.
To meet them both felt less an introduction and more a reunion of old souls who have met over and over throughout different lifetimes.
And . . .
This is the start of not only a friendship but also a collaboration between kindred souls---in this life cycle.
5-12 February, 2023 - Together in Naples
More exciting times to come … We definitively are Never Alone.
How about you?
I’m quite certain that you too have had many instances of synchronicities in your life. We all have experiences of being at the right place at the right time. Thinking about someone and they materialize soon after. Or maybe having a strong desire to achieve something, then you suddenly are offered the opportunity to obtain what you are wishing for.
Take a moment to think back on such episodes in your life. You’ll be amazed by how many daily little miracles you have received.
Check out our Best Seller books on Amazon:
Candice Sanderson
“The Reluctant Messenger Returns: An Unexpected Adventure into the Angelic Realm”
“The Reluctant Messenger-Tales from Beyond Belief: An ordinary person's extraordinary journey into the unknown”
Kenneth Harris
“Synchronicity: The Magic. The Mystery. The Meaning.”
Liliane Fortna
“Winks from Above: Opening up to Signs and Synchronicities to Receive Little Miracles Each Day.”